In June 2009 I auctioned Education on eBay.
Winning bid: US $115
Item description:
Due to ever-increasing size and market value, this item has been divided, separated, compartmentalized, codified and highly Institutionalized. This is a rare one-time opportunity to possess the item in its entirety. Please note that Learning, Knowledge, Wisdom and Experience are not included in this item.
Be advised that historical figures from Hellen Keller to Mark Twain and Baruch Spinoza (to name a few) have pointed out many undesirable qualities of this item. Common methods for production and distribution of this item remain relatively unchanged since the Industrial Revolution, further compromising its present-day use value.
However, correlations between this item and a higher standard of living have increased demand, causing its sales to rise steadily. Possession of this item is also a mark of status and class distinction. At the same time, the buyer should beware that possession of this item is no guarantee of increase in wages, status or living standard.
Discretion is advised when revealing ownership of this item in locations where it is not sold and distributed. Flaunting this item can provoke unpredictable responses ranging of from curiosity to admiration to envy or disdain.
Possession of this item is not necessarily required to become authorized to distribute it. In the present case the seller has recognized an overstock of this item and has chosen to let it all go.
The buyer will receive a signed, archival quality certificate of ownership, pictured above.