In April 2013 I auctioned Science on eBay.
Winning bid: US $18.50
Item description:
Accelerating development and spread of this item has irreversibly altered the course of life on Earth. Despite its relative newness, this is among the most influential items in human history.
This item's expanding features include influence over many aspects of modern life, death, time, space, energy, matter, perception, cognition, information, knowledge, communication, behavior, power, culture, labor, destruction, creation, prediction, description and the as-yet unknown.
Currently this item exerts less influence over the past, love, morality, ethics, aesthetic judgments, the supernatural, metaphysics, relaxation, absurdity, "why" questions, fun, personal development, creativity, spirituality and non-worldly concerns. In some of these endeavors this item appears to be gaining influence. In others it may only prove a hindrance.
This item's market value is increasingly inestimable, having engendered many of the most profitable ventures on record. This item has been purchased and sold at an accelerating rate since it was originally manufactured, a trend that shows no sign of slowing. For the most part, this item is in an excellent condition, which appears to improve over time, owing to a robust, built-in self-diagnostic repair and update mechanism.
The buyer should beware that this item can create scarcity and poverty as easily as it generates abundance or wealth. By certain measures this item may have, on balance, generated more poverty than wealth. Note that known side effects of this item can include the end of humanity, all life as we know it, or large portions thereof. Other potential side effects include the spread of understanding, prosperity, proliferation of life as we know it, and origination of life as we do not yet know it. Hence, a certain measure of responsibility accompanies ownership of this item.
After increasing involvement with this item, the seller feels this is a good time for divestiture, if only to permit consideration from a distance.
The buyer will receive a signed, archival certificate of ownership, pictured above.